CS371p Spring 2021: Sydney Nowaski
I’m Sydney, and I’m from Houston. I’ve been in love with Computer Science ever since my high school comp sci class. A great professor and a really interesting topic combined to let me decide that this is what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. In that class, I thought myself C++ for my independent study year, but I haven’t touched it since and I really don’t remember much. It will definitely be nice to get reoriented with it, especially since I’ve been coding Python for quite a while now.
In specific regard to this class, I figure it will help me learn C++ again as well as instill some good cs fundamentals that will be useful in the future, no matter what I end up pursuing. It feels like a really collaborative class, which I don’t think I’ve really experienced from a cs class before.
I’ll end this with a friendly book recommendation: anything by Brandon Sanderson. He’s a really good author.